
Join our team

Join us on the bleeding edge of real estate

Revere is the real estate brokerage merging technology, client care, and great people.

Build your success with us.



Revere is completely revolutionizing the real estate industry - helping both buyers and sellers to get the most for their money, leveraging brand new technology, and creating an experience that people LOVE

Luxury service for every client

Get more from Your Brokerage

That's because you and your home are all that matter. We offer the best listing offer anywhere. That's our guarantee to you: Unmatched marketing - saving you thousands.

"Revere saved me thousands of dollars while going above and beyond any previous real estate company I've experienced."

Luxury Service for Every client

Your Home is our Canvas

We market your home first. The way it always should have been.

Silly bus benches, signs with our face on them - we don't do that. That's because you and your home are all that matter. We focus on showing that masterpiece in the best light, and getting you more when you go to sell.

Customer profile user interface

Pro Photos. In House.

Nobody holds a candle to our Marketing

Why would you let anyone market your home less than its fullest potential? Revere uses pro photographers and videographers. All in house.

"I was blown away by the photos and video Revere did for me. It made me see my home for the first time again."

Luxury Service for Every client

Full REALTOR® Service. Premium Marketing. Massive Savings.

Revere is the best way to sell your home

We have created the most comprehensive and complete listing packages in the industry. Just for you.

Full REALTOR® Service

From day one to finish line, Revere is right beside you.

MLS® And REALTOR.ca Exposure

Get the highest level of exposure in 2022. No holds barred.

Premium Marketing

Full HDR Pro photography, social media campaigns, your home's own site, Videography/3D Tours/Drone with our 1.5% package.

Revere Platform and 3,000 Search Sites

Ontop of the MLS®, we push your home to over 3,000 home search sites as well as the ultra modern Revere Platform

Massive Commission Savings

Scroll up and see how much you can save with Revere

Full Cooperation

Unlike some other low commission brokerages, we offer competitive rates to cooperating agents that get the highest traffic to your home

Why Revere? Well that’s easy, coming from a bigger brokerage to start my career I found you weren’t put in a great position to succeed. Off the bat you have insanely high fees every month and it’s easy to get behind. With Revere’s low brokerage fees it was a great way to learn the business and get some traction without giving away a large part of your income every month. With fees being so low it was very important to be able to pass those savings onto my sellers. It was a great way to save people their hard earned dollars, prove that selling your home doesn’t need to be a typical transaction and more importantly, show what Revere has to offer. Revere also has a very tight group of agents to lean on when faced with challenges or a scenario that you haven’t experienced before.

Cody Serediak
Revere Agent of 3 years

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